Positive effects of Meditation on Mental Health
The purpose of our lives is to be happy. The key to happiness is peace of mind.” — Dalai Lama
In today’s day and age where we think about everything but our happiness and when we think about our happiness, we equate it to material possessions, money, milestones achieved titles, ranks, etc. But still, we are never satisfied, because such things only bring us fleeting moments of happiness and then we start thinking about the next thing to achieve and get. We forget that real happiness comes from within and not outside
And if we are not able to achieve said goals according to our timeline we immediately become unhappy and unsatisfied. In short, we let our material-self define our whole being. We try to control the things we cannot control and end up losing ourselves. We start taking mental pressures and overthinking, thus affecting our mental health.
Mental Health is a very popular topic these days. More and more people are talking about it, like how it’s more diagnosed and more prevalent in today’s society and generation. People are quick to relate themselves to mental illnesses & issues like Stress, Anxiety, and Depression, etc. but nobody thinks or talks about improving their mental health and working towards that. There are many ways to improve your mental health and it starts by taking a holistic approach towards your mind, body, and soul. There are many practices to do that such as exercising, eating healthy, reading, etc. but one main way that enriches our mind, body, and soul in just one practice is Meditation.
Meditation also known as ‘Dhyaan’ is a set of healing techniques for mental health to achieve a mentally clear, emotionally calm, and stable state. It helps to reduce stress, anxiety, depression, and sometimes even pain and enhances peace, emotional well-being, and overall health. Multiple studies show that mindful meditation reduces symptoms of depression and anxiety, helps in reducing stress, regulates negative emotions and thought patterns, improves memory and attention spans, and improves the time and quality of our sleep. Thus helping us achieve that inner peace which is the key to happiness. Happiness and peace are not something that can be bought but something that has to be cultivated by each of us from within. We humans often waste our present to make way for tomorrow when in fact we have no guarantee of what is to come tomorrow. So we should focus on now, on us, and our present and work towards the betterment of it all. And there is nothing better to do that but Meditation.