Mon - Sat 9.00 AM - 8.00 PM Sunday CLOSED

C 5 / 15 2nd floor Model Town 3 Delhi 110009



Enlightened Circle / Spirituality

Science and Art of Spirituality

Spirituality(अध्यात्म) is de-automatization of self. The act of knowing yourself beyond this body and mind, as an intrinsic part of this existence, the whole.

Self-realisation(Self-awakening) is your birthright, it is the purpose of your life and is the highest potential you can attain as a human being. It is a science as well as an art, there are set methodologies following which you can pursue spiritual growth and then there is the art to embrace the result and spread it all over your life

Spiritual Programs in Delhi

Spiritual programs in Delhi

Enlightened circle has come up with the optimal spiritual awakening programs for your unprecedented spiritual growth.

Spiritual awakening program

Foundation Program– This program sets the right foundation for your growth. It brings your attention to yourself, helps you identify impediments in your growth and aids in finding a solution to prosper continuously. It is held online on ZOOM, each session consists of 2 parts – 1. Spiritual Wisdom and 2. Spiritual Meditation Class.

Healing technique for mental health

Dhyan Yog – The initiation of your spiritual journey, a spiritual awakening program. You start from the basics by understanding what spirituality is, how meditation is the key to your spiritual growth, and how to practise meditation to release spiritual awareness. It is held online on ZOOM, each session consists of 2 parts – 1. Spiritual Wisdom and 2. Spiritual Meditation Classes. Once you complete Dhyan Yog, you become the curator of your own spiritual practice.

Meditation technique

Udyanotsav – Members meet regularly to practise the lessons of the spiritual awakening programs. In each session you attend spiritual meditation classes, imbibe spiritual wisdom, dive in creativity and celebrate life.

Yoga practice

Mahasutra – Only selected few sincere seekers are initiated through a secret spiritual sutra to higher realms of spirituality.

Spiritual awakening program

Naadotsav – After the sutra is bestowed on the chosen few, they are taken into depths of spirituality through deep spiritual programs in Delhi.

Why are these the best spiritual awakening programs?

Each program consists of the most essential and profound elements of spirituality.

Spiritual Wisdom

The spiritual understanding shared in scriptures like Vedas, Upanishads, Vigyan Bhairav Tantra etc. holds the key to your spiritual journey. This is one of the best spiritual programs in Delhi that consist of wisdom sessions where the most profound spiritual sutras are revealed to you.

Spiritual Meditation Classes

Meditation is the key to spiritual growth, you need to understand it and then build a regular practice. Spiritual Meditation Classes consist of meditation sessions where you understand the method and then practice it under proper guidance.

Guided Meditation Videos

Wherever you may be – at work, home, or travelling, these meditation videos are an easy way to both take a break and find calmness amidst the chaos – an opportunity to relax the body and the mind at the same time.



I am short of words to pen down my ecstatic and blissful experience as being part of Enlightened circle's online workshops and sessions. The Eternal peace in which one dives into after practicing the guided meditation techniques is beyond this world experience. If you are looking for adding blissfulness, gratification,light-heartedness and contentedness into your life,you must grab the opportunity to be a part of Enlightened circle. Their volunteers will give you a home like ease to ma

Vaishali Anand


I feel very grateful to be a part of the Enlightened Circle family. My life has completely transformed after attending the offline and online sessions here, it has truly been a blessing to me. I have learned new depths of understanding, knowledge, and wisdom that help me in my day-to-day life.. Thank you so much for your love, support, and mentorship.

Simrita Bedi

Director - Value Creatives

Just one word ....Awesome.... It's really life changing experience... It has changed our life for good and shown us right path to pursue our life purpose... Now it's like another family ..

Sameesh Nayyar

IT Professional
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